2013年12月11日 星期三

Annotation 3 Transcription

Good afternoon everyone we are group one of the politics and economy. I am Robert and he is Knot. Our topic today is Capitalism: A tool of the government.
Ok, to begin with I will like to introduce the tern Capitalism to every one of you. The way how capitalism functions is like different gears that twisting and pushing one another to operate the concept. As a result, capitalism is divided into two categories of people, the middle class who are those people with capitols and properties and the wage workers who had nothing at all. The two groups, therefore, worked as complementary toward one another for the middle class provides capitols and techniques and the wage workers provide labor.
Many wonders and criticism had been made to question the fairness of capitalism. The argument is that if capitalism continues to function. The problems will soon occur. The opposed people argues that the middle class will eventually be more wealthy while the workers still workers.
However, just think for a moment. If you have to work very hard every day and you get the same amount of rewards as those who are lazy. Do you think it is fair? Think this way if you have a lot of things to study like English literature, American history and have annotations to write and your classmates in response only watches movies do you still think it is fair? I don’t think so. The purpose of capitalism is to reward those hard working people with the amount of prize they deserved. It is like how the Chinese proverb goes “As you sow, so as you reap” A work and gain concept. Therefore, it is clear to see which one is more fair isn't it. Huh.
Even with this perfect concept there is still one fatal defect and that is moral corruption. Moral corruption includes corruptions like temptations and laziness. Take this for example if you are listening to a very boring class and wanted to take out your smartphone to play it is a kind of temptation. If we use it on the economy it will result in corruption. However, it is inevitable to face these challenges, therefore, strong self-disciple is required and also other outside factors such as strict laws.

Now we will take Singapore as an example of the clean government. Singapore is a typical capitalism country. Singapore had transformed itself from a British colonial pot city into one of the world’s financial Centre. And it even becomes the head of the Asian four dragons. The success of Singapore is due to its small and medium-sized enterprises. It responds to the work-gain concept we mentioned above. Also government’s economy policy is essential too. To avoid moral corruption the Singaporean government used severe laws such as life-imprisonment to restrict their people from going down.

Capitalism itself is with good intention, but moral corruption is what makes it notorious. However, it is impossible to avoid such defect to happen for there are various temptations throughout our life. As a result, simply trusting the innocence and efficiency of the government is not enough. It should be accompanied with a set of strict laws to watch it. After all, we can conclude that “Capitalism is nothing but a tool of the government that depends on who is using it”.

