2014年1月4日 星期六

Final Presentation Transcription

Good afternoon everyone we are group one of the politics and economy. I am Robert and he is Knot. The issue we will be presenting today is “Should We Consider Social Welfares While Developing Economy”

Let not talk too much on the introduction and let us begin with a brief look on the outlines. First, we will focus on the purpose or motivation just to give you people a clear idea of what we are going to be presenting. Then we will talk about Trade & Business, followed by that Agriculture & Sunset Industry, then Government Efficiency. Last but not least we will sum up our argument in the conclusion.

The purpose of our presentation is to discuss the issue about should we consider social welfares while developing Economy. Our group is divided up into two thoughts, one supporting for the developing of Economy, and the other one argues for the rights of the minority.

First, trade and business. Maybe some people here have no idea of what ECFA means? So I will explain it a little bit. The term stands for “Economy Cooperation Framework Agreement”. Just think this way to make it easier. ECFA is a kind of trade agreement or treaty signed by two countries in order to pursue economy profit such as tax-free.

I am on the supporting side of signing the ECFA. If Taiwan refused to sign this treaty then we will face the challenge of international isolations.

Before entering my point I will like to tell a story about a frog under the well. How many of you here have heard the story before? Ok then I will give a brief summary of the story. The story is like this once a upon a time there was a frog living under the well, since he had a fantastic environment and sufficient need under this well he thinks that the outside would not be as good as this one. This story was later used to describe someone that isolate himself and do not know what is outside.

Now have the story that I just said in mind and think about what I am going to say. With the world connected more together with transportation and communication our world is like a global village, where we are no longer independent individuals but have to depend on one another for it is like a supply chain where a place provide resources and the other manufacture the product.

Next we move on to agriculture and sunset industry. I am on the side of elimination where because I think it is because of the current trend, efficiency and production.

When I talk about elimination what I mean exactly is not to get rid of all the old industry but a kind of reform and transformation. I will explain it in three categories. First it is a tendency to improve the old producing way to an avant-garde one and there is no fault in having adapted to new innovations. Second, in order to gain a good living standard we will have to transform the old methods into something improved as to increase the quality of our lives and to make it more convenience Third, since it is human instinct to pursue cheap things we can not help but to adopt to new producing methods where we can make more products.

Now we will see one example about transformation that I was talking about. Traditional farmers cultivates what they thinks might make the best profit or what they want, which may sometimes end up receiving no profit at all because of the market demands. However, we could not say to have farmers to get rid of because then we will have nothing to eat at all. In order to solve this problem I will like to introduce the concept of “suitcase farmer” in which farmers no longer cultivate according to their feelings but instead following what is the most profitable in the stock market, so as to make more money and to lower the risk.

Last we will talk about government efficiency. Before talking about government efficiency, we have to look on the term capitalism. Capitalism is the most wide used economy system in the world. However, how to have capitalism function the way we want is to be discussed.

 Now we will take Singapore as an example of the clean government. Singapore is a typical capitalism country. Singapore had transformed itself from a British colonial pot city into one of the world’s financial Centre. And it even becomes the head of the Asian four dragons. The success of Singapore is due to its small and medium-sized enterprises. It responds to the work-gain concept we mentioned above. Also government’s economy policy is essential too. To avoid moral corruption the Singaporean government used severe laws such as life-imprisonment to restrict their people from going down.

